MusEdit is a powerful word processor for beginners and expert songwriters, which implements all the tools needed to write a song, its lyrics, chords, and to write and play the notes in a score, all in the same place, at the same time.
The workspace is called the notation editor, which includes different tool boxes and tool bars that you can use to insert text lines, chord lines, treble staffs, bass staffs, tablature staffs, bass tab staffs, and more. E.g. you can start inserting a text line to write the lyrics of a song and then insert chord lines between the lines lyrics. Next, you can use the tab staff and the bass staff tools to write the pitch, and different types of notes (tuplets, dotted, grace notes, etc.) and symbols in the score. The magic begins here: after writing the notes in the score, you can play them as MIDI playback.
You can translate the notes of a staff line into another type. Other staff lines you can use are alto, tenor, 8va, treble, 8vb treble, drums, perc. line, no clef.
As it is a word processor, you can work with different documents at the same time, insert images, other types of objects, print the documents. You can import MIDI files, ABC files, and MusicXML files; you can also export a score as an ABC file, MIDI file, XML file, and so on.
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